+44 (0)1342 323600

Der Aufsichtsrat

David Cicurel 16x24
David Cicurel
Brad Ormsby 16x24
Brad Ormsby
Mark Lavelle 16x24
Mark Lavelle
g spink 16x24 1

Geoff Spink


Geoff Spink is an experienced Board Director and is also a qualified Chartered Accountant.

He has previously worked in senior managerial roles within other subsidiaries in the Judges Scientific group, and prior to that, at a number of UK listed plc’s, and various private and venture capital-backed companies. 

Steve Grayson 16x24

Stephen Grayson

Mitbegründer und Direktor

Stephen Grayson, Chemist with over 40 years’ experience in fire research, co-founded FTT in 1989. Outside of his involvement with FTT, Stephen has set up and managed academic and contract fire research and testing laboratories, published several Books, is the Editor in Chief of the International “Fire and Materials Journal” , published by John Wiley and he Chairs the international Interflam and Fire and Materials conferences.

Together with the inventor of the Cone Calorimeter; Vyto Babrauskas, he developed the Cone Calorimeter usage and several standards in Europe. In 1992 he and Vyto published the textbook “Heat Release in Fires” which reviewed all methods of measuring heat release and using it for predictive modelling. Stephen developed and managed the European Commission (EC) Fire Performance of Electric Cables (FIPEC) project, which formed the scientific foundation for the Construction Product Regulation (CPR) classification testing of electric cables.

Seit 1980 leistet Stephen einen starken Beitrag zu nationalen, europäischen und internationalen Normungsausschüssen, die sich mit Brandschutz befassen, und leitet seit etwa 20 Jahren die ISO-Ausschüsse, die sich mit dem Kegelkalorimeter befassen.

Sandra Pasantes 16x24

Sandra Pasantes


Sandra Pasantes hat einen Bachelor of Science. Sie kam 2007 zu FTT und wurde 2015 zum Sales Director ernannt.

Derzeit arbeitet sie an einer Promotion in Feuerwissenschaften, insbesondere an der Entwicklung eines großen Kegelkalorimeters und der Modellierung für groß angelegte Tests.

Sandra ist Mitglied in einer Reihe von nationalen, europäischen und internationalen Normungsausschüssen, die sich mit Brandschutz befassen, und ist die britische Expertin für das ISO / TC92 / SC1 / WG11-Komitee.

Sandra ist außerdem Vertriebsleiterin für Sircal Instruments.

Matthew Backshall suit 16x24

Matthew Backshall


Matthew Backshall hat einen Abschluss in Physik und einen Master in Materialcharakterisierung.

A Chartered Physicist, Matthew has extensive experience in scientific instrumentation, having worked in a range of businesses, including; vacuum science, spectroscopy and medical devices. He has over 25 years’ experience in the industry with over 15 years experience in leading operations teams.

Er kam 2018 als Operations Director zu FTT, nachdem er zuvor bei zwei anderen Unternehmen der Judges Scientific PLC-Gruppe als Operations Director tätig war.

Matthew ist außerdem Operations Director für Sircal Instruments.

Andrew Green suit 16x24

Andrew Green

Technischer Leiter

Andrew Green hat einen Master-Abschluss in Maschinenbau und Materialwissenschaften. Er kam 1994 zu FTT und wurde 2018 zum Chief Technical Officer ernannt.

Zwischen 1997 und 2000 war Andrew an der Forschung des Projekts FIPEC (Fire Performance of Electric Cables) der Europäischen Kommission (EC) beteiligt, das die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die Einstufungstestung von Elektrokabeln durch die Bauproduktverordnung (CPR) bildete. Der erfolgreiche Abschluss und die Veröffentlichung dieses Projekts führten dazu, dass Andrew den FIPEC-Bericht mitverfasste.

Andrew has developed all FTT‘s instrument software, he has worked closely with FTT‘s Engineering Team in the design and development of all instrumentation and is also actively involved in National, European and International standardisation committees dealing with fire safety.

Verkauf und Marketing

Teri Leigh Peach HS shallow

Teri-Leigh Peach

Marketing Consultant


Gary White HS shallow 1

Gary White

After-Sales Manager

alex watson 16x24 2

Alex Watson

Test & Installation Manager

Tony HIlton HS shallow

Toni Hilton

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Tom Burch HS shallow

Tom Burch

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Colin Hughes HS shallow

Colin Hughes

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

John Paine HS shallow

John Paine

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Clinton Pereira HS shallow

Clint Pereira

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Richard Wood HS shallow

Richard Wood

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Biniam Abraha HS shallow

Biniam Abraha

Test, Service & Installation Engineer

Design / Maschinenbau und Elektronik

Jim McPherson HS shallow

Jim McPherson


Andrew Heeley HS shallow

Andrew Heeley

Leitender Elektronikingenieur

Fortune Williams HS shallow

Fortune William


cara boon 16x24 3

Cara Saungsomboon

Design Engineer

Lee Innes HS shallow

Lee Innes

Design Drafts Person


Paul Guret HS shallow

Paul Gruet


tom child 16x24 1

Tom Child



Matthew Shostak

Software Engineer

Owen Turvey HS shallow

Owen Turvey

Junior Software Engineer


Vicky HS shallow

Ms Fears

Supply Chain Manager

Sam Hiley HS shallow

Sam Hiley

Manufacturing Engineering Manager

Lance HS shallow

Lance Egleton


Hayley Campbell5 HS shallow

Hayley Campbell

Purchasing Assistant

Dave Watkins HS shallow

Dave Watkins

Stores supervisor

Dean Rhodes

Dean Rhodes



Gary Richardson HS shallow

Gary Richardson


John Wells HS shallow

John Wells

Metal Engineering General Manager, Director

Stuart HS shallow

Stuart Riddle

Metal Engineering Production Manager

Peter Bryan HS shallow

Peter Bryan

Produktions Ingenieur

Andrew Stone HS shallow

Andrew Stone

Produktions Ingenieur

Clive Digby HS shallow

Clive Digby

Produktions Ingenieur


Mark Cullen

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 09 HS shallow

Shane Wicks

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 10 HS shallow

Nick Crockett

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 02 HS shallow

Ray Edwards

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 03 HS shallow

Aaron Wills

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 05 HS shallow

Terry Wood

Produktions Ingenieur

Ross Burberry

Ross Burberry

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 08 HS shallow

Tony Fish

Produktions Ingenieur

Aitchee 01 HS shallow

Ian Wood

Produktions Ingenieur

Darren Harberd

Darren Harberd

Produktions Ingenieur

John Davidson

John Davidson

Produktions Ingenieur

David Couzens

David Couzens

Produktions Ingenieur

Kommerziell und Export

Sue Rose HS shallow

Sue Rose

Export Sales Administrator

Lucy Brennan HS shallow

Lucy Brennan

Sales / Export Administrator

Finanzen und Verwaltung

Clare Peake HS shallow 2

Clare Peake

Finance Manager, HR & Administration

Tanya Holmes

Tanya Holmes

Accounts Assistant

Lilla Szabo HS shallow

Lilla Szabo

Purchase Ledger Clerk

Nicky Bartlett HS shallow

Nicola Bartlett

Administrative Assistant


Sorry for any inconvenience caused

Our telephone systems are down; we are working to resolve this as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please contact us via email, we apologies for any inconvenience caused.